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Cancer, is a wretched disease. Every few days, someone or the other, is diagnosed with it, and the sad part is that the majority of these people, are already in the advanced stage of this deadly disease. Cancer, can be cured, however, if the right steps in healthcare are taken, unfortunately, there is only so much that our country offers, in terms of comprehensive cancer treatment. Most of the cancers, are of the common varieties, like lung, throat, mouth, pancreas, etc. This is due to the unhealthy lifestyle, that spawns this kind of cancer. However, we still see a number of people, especially in villages, smoking pipes and hookahs. These, along with cigarettes, and basically any kind of tobacco, promotes the growth of cancer, in the human body. Cancer, is virtually nondescript, in its approach. The early stages, will have little to no symptoms. A persistent cough, or a backache, something that you will pass off for one of your regular health issues. It is only during the second or third stage, that things actually get ugly. Fortunately, there is hope, for cancer patients, as Dr Krishna's Cancer Healer Center, opens its doors. Operational for quite some time already now, this is the only specific center, catering to cancer patients. There is nothing else about this place. It is the be all and end all of cancer care. Top doctors, a caring team, curated by Dr Krishna himself. Expert counselors, who can help one cope with the reality that is the danger of this disease. Cancer Healer Center, forges a name, not because it invests in advertising, or any of the sort. It basically cures people of cancer. Only a specialized clinic like this, was missing, in our healthcare system. Generic hospitals, often, do not have the means to carry out the extensive research, that one needs to carry out, to treat someone with cancer. More often than not, a patient is usually subjected to a battery of tests, after which, he is suggested to go down the chemotherapy and radiotherapy route. This is an old method of treatment, with lots of side effects. Usually the person loses hair, appetite, weight and experiences a lot of pain. Also, this reduces self/esteem dramatically, and is not helpful, given that the person is already afflicted with cancer. At Cancer Healer Center, another method, called immunotherapy, is followed. This basically deals with strengthening a person's immune system, so he can fight the cancerous cells, right back. This is preferred, because there are little to no side effects, during the course of treatment. Cancer Healer Center, does not want the patient to feel like he is undergoing heavy treatment, for something that might or might not get cured. Lets face it, cancer, is dangerous, and curing it, is a chance to be taken. However, he/she is made to feel comfortable, because a team of trained counselors will always be there, to guide and coach the patient as he/she convalesces in the lush infrastructure, at the Cancer healer center.