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Cancer has always been associated with bad habits, and an unhealthy lifestyle. However, this is not always the case. Most of the times, it is other common causes like genetically inherited recessive genes, non-detection in the early stages, and zero preventive measures. Thus, what has happened is that the disease, has managed to spread, silently, taking lives indiscriminately, because, when it does occur, it stays like that for years, before detection. Cancer, comes in various forms, almost tailor made, for every part of the human body, and if it is not detected early, eventually spreads to other parts of the body, through the lympathic system. There are oral cancers, of the throat, the mouth, the oesophagus, there are stomach cancers, cervical cancers, gall bladder cancers, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, uterus cancer, etc. There are particular patterns, of this cancer incidence in India, with each disease being unique to its place of occurrence. Some studies, carried by the ICMR, have shown some cancers to occur in some places of the country, more than in others, It must be noted, that since cancer is not contagious, this information would merely provide an insight into the recurrence of the disease. We must remember, that the fight against cancer, is global, universal, and should always carry on regardless. There has always been rural under development in India, as a result of which, healthcare, has suffered, as a direct consequence. There have been improvements, in healthcare infrastructure, in the rural areas, but this has not been as fast as the spread of this deadly disease. There have been many questions raised about the feasibility of the treatment of cancer here. Also, in rural areas, people tend to consume a lot of tobacco, either smoking it or chewing it. Now, tobacco has been directly linked with cancer, of the mouth, and the lungs, etc, and there is no surprise in the fact that there is a high incidence of cancer her, in these areas. Symptoms such as coughing relentlessly, or helplessly, are often ignored, till the time the person finally starts coughing up blood, by the time it is too late for any kind of treatment. The treatment for cancer, should be such, that it should strengthen the person, instead of weakening him, which only leads to more inner damage. Cancer Healer Center, offers state of the art healthcare facilities, and a world class treatment center specially suited for those who are afflicted with cancer. It boasts of the best team of specialists, headed by Dr Tarang Krishna, who make sure, that the person receives apt and adequate treatment, individually tailored to the kind of cancer that he is suffering from. Usually, we read about radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, but those often come with drastic side effects, because they wear out the nervous system, and the immune system. Immunotherapy, one of the other alternative methods of treatment, offered, at the Cancer Healer Center, advocates a school of thought, in which, the person's immune system is paid special attention to, and during the course of treatment, is strengthened, and boosted. Immunotherapy, also necessitates a healthy diet, and a healthy pattern of living, for patients afflicted with Cancer. If you are suffering, or you do know someone who is, make a difference, save a life, and get treated, effectively at Cancer Healer Center.