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Talking too much on mobile phone gives you brain tumor? Deodorants gives you breast cancer? We keep hearing such rumours related to cancer, so is it true? According to research, more than four in ten cancers can be prevented by maintaining a healthier lifestyle- no to smoking, reduce in alcohol consumption, including more vegetables and fruits, regular exercise etc. But people are more concerned with environmental related issues. We will talk more about these controversies in the following blog. Few of the most common controversies are;
Cosmetic and cancer:
The term cosmetic covers a large group “substances that are intended to be rubbed, poured or sprinkled on the human body to change the appearance”. Some of the products which are linked to cause cancers are:
Lipstick: “Lead in lipsticks is considered to cause cancer.” According to research lead does cause cancer, it exists in the environment both naturally and through human activities. However according to FDA (Food and Drug Administration) though lipstick contains lead but it is in small amount and is not harmful to humans.
Hair Dyes: “They cause breast and bladder cancer.” According to IARC (International Agency for Research into Cancer) – dyes might increase the cancer risks for hairdressers, however no proper evidence is found regarding the same. (It is advised that hairdressers should use gloves)
Deodorants: “Parabens present in few on the deodorants cause breast cancer.” But many researches have been done in this area and no link has been found between deodorants and cancer.
Mobile phone and cancer:
“They increase the risk of brain tumours.” Mobile phone produces radiofrequencies which according to IARC is considered a “possible carcinogen to humans”. However the evidence is not strong enough and further research is required. FDA has suggested few measures that mobile phone users can take;
Use the mobile phones for shorter conversations
Use hand free devices, this will increase the distance between the phone and the user
Plastic bottles and cancer:
“Freezing, heating or reusing plastic bottles produces chemical called dioxins that cause cancer.” However researchers from John Hopkins Bloomberg School of public health said that freezing does not cause release of any chemicals, also it is still not sure that plastics contain dioxins. Research is still being done in this field.
Food additives and cancer:
“Additives are chemicals that help preserve food and are considered to cause cancer.” According to US FDA, additives are usually present in small amount and do not affect the human health. However other compounds like pesticides, herbicides etc. present in the food along with the additives can increase the risk of cancer.
X-rays and cancer:
“X-ray radiations increase the cancer risk.” X-rays are a form of ionising radiations that damage the DNA in the cell. But medical X-rays use small amount of radiations which outweighs the benefits of getting the right diagnosis and treatment. However if a person is exposed to continuous X-ray radiation he might be at an increased risk of developing cancer.
Though the above mentioned controversies lack strong connection with cancer but precaution should be taken. Because prevention is always better than cure.
suchitra Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
Please accept my gratitude & thanx for all these useful inputs.