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Cancer is a dreadful disease that damages the balance of life for the individual as well as caregiver. The early detection of cancer presence can be dated back to 1600 B.C, identified by Edwin Smith Papyrus. The disease was then treated with a device called a ‘fire drill’ with no success rate. Appreciating the advancement in science and technology, today cancer is treated with more safe and effective procedures. The symbol for cancer is a crab and the word itself is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘crab’. This is because of the tumour cells spreading like a finger projections resembling the shape of a crab.
According to cancer experts, more than 50% of all cancers detected and deaths due to cancer can be prevented with cancer education and early investigation. As an initiative to share information on cancer, the Cancer Healer Team have collaborated few basic facts on cancer:
Cancer is the generic name for a group of more than 100 diseases.
Stomach, prostate and lung cancers are majorly found in men. Whereas women get affected with cancer of the cervix, breast and colorectal.
Cancers start because abnormal cells grow out of control. Each cell contains mutated DNA.
Certain cancers can be inherited. People can inherit abnormal DNA from a generation to next.
It is known that only about 5% to 10% of all cancers are inherited.
Cancer cells form tumours except in Leukaemia. In this blood related cancer the cancer cells involve the blood and blood-forming organs where these circulate and affect healthy organs.
All tumours are not cancer. Cancer free tumours are benign whereas the malignant tumour needs cancer treatment.
Benign tumours can grow very large put pressure on healthy organs and tissues. But, these do not spread to healthy tissues. Even benign tumours need to be removed.
Immunotherapy is a non-invasive procedure of treating cancer that encourages the healthy immune cells in the body to attack cancer cells and increase the patient’s survival rate.