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Unusual bleeding while passing stools should never be ignored. It could be piles or haemorrhoids but if left untreated anal cancer is possible.
What is anal cancer?
This is cancer that starts at the opening of rectum, the anus from where bowels are excreted out. It can pass to other organs as well.
What are the causes of anal cancer?
Most commonly, an infection with HPV i.e. Human Papillomavirus is a huge risk factor. Receptive intercourse through anal region is strongly related to the development of anal cancer.
Patients, who are immune-compromised such as those with HIV disease, are prone to get anal cancer.
Can anal cancer be prevented?
Vaccines for HPV are recognised to prevent anal cancer in both men and women as per certain research.
Symptoms that indicate anal cancer:
Unusual bleeding in the anus
Pain or pressures in the anal region
Discharges from anal region
Warts around genital and anal region
Change in bowel habits
Lump near the anus
How to get diagnosed incase of any of the above symptoms?
Incase of any of the above symptoms, it is important that you see a medical practitioner immediately:
A routine digital rectal exam is recommended.
Invasive procedures such as an anoscopy, proctoscopy, or endorectal ultrasound is suggested incase of lumps or haemorrhoids, warts.
Biopsy of a specimen examined by a pathologist confirms cancer.
Staging workup includes an abdominal and pelvic CT scan or a pelvic MRI scan to assess the pelvic lymph nodes, a chest x-ray, and liver function studies.
PET scanning is generally not required.
Is cancer of anus treatable?
Yes. Combination therapy with chemotherapy and radiation are known to be the common procedures to treat cancer. Although the success rate is high but side-effects worsen the condition of patient. Moreover the damage to healthy tissues is also observed incase of radiation therapy.
Alternatively, Immunotherapy is the best bet against treating any form of cancer. It heals without any side-effect. Immunosuppressed patients with HIV or HPV should opt for Immunotherapy that is subtle on their bodies as compared to chemotherapy and radiation.