Posted in: Uncategorized by cancerhealercenter
The consequences of drinking in excess can be worst than a malicious hangover or crazy dancing. Regular drinking can increase your risk for major illnesses, such as cancer. There is no doubt that alcohol causes seven types of cancers: Mouth, pharyngeal, oesophageal, laryngeal, breast, bowel and liver cancer. Though, not everyone who drinks alcohol gets cancer. But according to research a regular drinker is at a higher risk of getting cancer than a non- drinker. Alcohol (ethanol/ ethyl alcohol), a chemical produced by the fermentation of sugar and starches by yeast is found in beer, wine, liquor and other household products like mouthwash, oils etc. There are many explanations for how alcohol causes cancer; here are the most common theories:
Alcohol in the body is converted into a toxic chemical called acetaldehyde which can cause cancer by damaging the DNA and stopping the cells from repairing. This results in faster growth of normal liver cells, which are likely to pick up changes in their genes and cause cancer.
Increases the levels of hormones like oestrogen than results in breast cancer.
Alcohol along with cigarettes, can double the risk of cancer as alcohol makes it easier for the tissues of the mouth to absorb cancer causing chemicals present in tobacco.
Lower the level of folate in the blood which is responsible for producing new DNA correctly.
Generating ROS (reactive oxygen species), that damage the DNA and increase the cancer risk.
Drinking within the guidelines will help you keep your drinking under control. Here are few of the ways that can help you cut back:
Sip your drinks slowly
Take a break- every second drink should be a non- alcoholic beverage
Avoid salty snacks when you are drinking because salt make you thirsty and inclined to drink fast
Avoid social gatherings when you are trying to quit- as social drinking can sometimes lead to excessive drinking
Do something other than drinking- you are less likely to drink out of boredom if you are busy having fun
Buy low-alcohol alternatives like light beer and reduced alcohol wine
Don't keep alcoholic drinks in the house
Don’t drink on an empty stomach- full stomach slows the absorption of alcohol
Quench your thirst with water or soft drinks because when you are thirsty you risk gulping down alcoholic drinks
So do follow these tips and try cutting back today. The decision is yours- disease free or unhealthy?