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There have been controversies in the media about air pollution and cancer. So does air pollution increase your cancer risk? World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified several substances including diesel engine exhaust found within air pollution as the cause of cancer. Air pollution is a mixture of various substances with varying content depending on the location of the source of pollutant. Source of air pollution include transport, emission from agriculture and industries, fossil fuels, cigarette smoke and fuels produced during cooking and heating the houses. Few of the other pollutants found in the air include Nitrogen dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Ozone gas, Carbon monoxide and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). Natural pollutants include dust and radon. Radon is a natural radioactive gas found in small amount that increases the cancer risk to a small amount (1 in 100 will get cancer when exposed to radon gas). Air pollution is thought to increase the risk of lung cancer to a small extent and according to few data it is linked with bladder cancer. Dr Kurt Straif, from IARC, said: "The air we breathe has become polluted with a mixture of cancer-causing substances. We now know that outdoor air pollution is not only a major risk to health in general, but also a leading environmental cause of cancer deaths." Though not many cases are found regarding the same as air consists of various substances and different people are exposed to different amounts depending on their lifestyles. But it is important that people keep the risk of air pollution in perspective. On the other hand smoking poses a much bigger risk compared to air pollution. Long term smokers are 20 times more likely to get lung cancer compared with people who don’t smoke. Hence it is important that you quit today. We can reduce the air pollution level by trying to create less of it. This can be done:
If we choose options like walking, cycling for short distances instead of your personal 2 wheelers or 4 wheelers. This will not only reduce pollution caused by transportation but also keep you healthy and active. Also for long distances public transport should be preferred
Reduce the use of aerosols in the household
If possible share the room with others when using air conditioner
Avoid burning waste; put them in the pit holes
Cars should be fitted with catalytic converters and try using unleaded petrol
With few changes in your lifestyle you can make a big difference. So do contribute to the environment and live a healthy cancer free life.