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Cancer is one of the most widespread illnesses in India claiming a lot of lives every year, primarily because it goes un-diagnosed or misdiagnosed to be something else mostly in the early stages of occurrence. Whenever the onset of cancer occurs, there are plenty of symptoms, however a lot of these are the generic symptoms often associated with common health ailments and hence are not paid much attention to. There are some early warning signs that should never be ignored and you should get a checkup immediately just to be on the safe side. Cancer can cause just about any kind of symptom. Usually these symptoms depend on where the cancer is, the size of the tumor, and how much it affects the organs or tissues. Some of the most common signs and symptoms are:- 1. Unexplained weight loss: This is natural with most people with cancer. They will lose weight at some time. When you are rapidly losing weight, for example, 5 kilos or more, it could be one of the first signs of cancer. 2. Fever is common with cancer, but this happens mostly after the cancer has spread to other parts. Almost all people with cancer will have a fever at some point of time, especially if the cancer or its treatment starts to affect the immune system. In some kind of cancers like leukemia or lymphoma, fever will occur in the earliest stages. 3. Pain may be a factor with some cancers as well. A persistent headache could be the early warning signs of a brain tumor. Back pain can be a symptom of cancer as well. Pain usually means that the cancer has spread from where it started. 4. Skin color change is not uncommon. Darker looking skin also known as hyperpigmentation, yellowish skin like in jaundice, itching, reddening of skin are some of the symptoms that show up for the early stages of cancer. 5. Changes in bowel habits and bladder function can be a sign of cancer. Pain when passing urine, or blood in the urine could be related to bladder or prostate cancer. Any such symptoms should be looked into immediately. 6. Sometimes sores that do not heal can occur. A long lasting sore in the mouth, sores on the genetalia, etc. should be checked by a certified medical professional as these might be indication of the onset of a particular type of cancer. 7. White spots or patches inside the mouth or on the tongue might be leukoplakia. It is a pre-cancerous stage. If not treated, this can develop into full-fledged oral cancer. This should be checked by a dentist right away. 8. A nagging cough, or hoarseness in the voice should never be ignored. These may be the signs of a sore throat, and can also be the early warning signs of oral or throat cancer. 9. A lump on any part of the body, especially the breast, testicles, should never be ignored. These are always safer to be checked by a medical professional. As with any complex disease, cancer always starts simple. There are some early warning symptoms, which should be checked. Cancer Healer Center, is the specialized cancer treatment facility in India. You could always consult one of the experts there, and get your doubts cleared!
Mohammed Iqbal shiekh Feb 09, 9437, 2 months ago
What are the symptoms of prostate cancer? Is there any specific test for confirmation other than PSA and bioscopy.